Hi! I'm Ray Nawara.

Please feel free to view my portfolio web site for information about some of my work.

My Portfolio

Various projects showing HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Python, React/Redux, Ruby on Rails and node.js on Heroku

Analog Clock (written in HTML)

MasterMind Game (written in Python)

Find a Zip/Postal Code (written in PHP)

Expenses App written in JavaScript and React/Redux with Firebase

Chat App written in Ruby 2.6.0 and Rails 5.2.2 with Devise and Semantic UI

Chat Room (using node.js deployed on Heroku)

Web Site (built for company during Hurricane Maria cleanup)

Mobile App to send email written in JavaScript and PHP

A React app to help you make a decision!

A Stock Tracking app written in Ruby 2.6.0 and Rails 5.2.2 with Devise and Twitter-Bootstrap

About Me

Hi, I'm Ray Nawara, a remote, part-time consultant, software developer, technologist and entrepreneur. Lately I’ve been working as lead on a large Ruby on Rails web application. I’m also working with Google App Script and JavaScript, taking various forms of data such as Excel reports coming in via email and converting them into MySQL on Google Cloud, allowing the client to access the data via Google Data Studio.
I design and maintain systems on Windows, Linux and cloud platforms. I prefer back-end development with JavaScript, Node.js, Rails APIs, etc., but I do full stack application development with Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Node.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL and more. My database skills include MySQL, PostgreSQL and ORMs as well as NoSQL. I am an AWS Certified Cloud Practioner.



Hi! I'm a very experienced Enterprise developer who has moved to the web! I work remotely and prefer part-time. If you have anything I can help you with, please feel free to contact me below!
